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From October 9, 2013, to February 10, 2014, the London Science Museum will feature an awe-inspiring and eye-opening exhibition on 3D printing, showcasing the technology’s current capabilities and shedding some insight on what the future holds.In addition to displaying over 600 3D printed objects, “3D: Printing the Future” goes behind the scenes of 3D content creation through the exploration of 3D scanning and shows off prints from a wide array of materials, including nylon, titanium and sandstone.The exhibit delves beneath the modern hype of 3D printing to show the prolific applications of 3D printing and what it will enable, from patient specific medical solutions to human cell replication to original and imaginative art pieces that unleash the creative potential  in all of us.Click to see a video from The Telegraph Though centered on technology, the 3D printing exhibit is uniquely personal, with 3D scanned and printed models of museum visitors out on display.“By displaying models of people in the exhibition, we aim to create a deeper engagement with our visitors,” says museum content developer Pippa Hough.

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