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When it comes to creating 3D models for 3D printing there are many types of software to choose from.

3D software solutions range from commercial to free, and can be desktop or part of a newer evolution of web-based applications.

Popular 3D modeling software includeds 3DTin, Tinkercad and complete 3D printing solutions like Shapeways.

One major player that was acquired by Google, is SketchUp. SketchUp is building a large following of amateur and professional 3D designers and creators.

Many software solutions like Sketchup and Shapeways are finding success by simplifying the 3D modeling process and making it accessible by anyone.

As many software solutions move online it opens up the possibility for data portability, collaboration and many other aspects that will fuel growth in 3D printing.

3D modeling software is a critical link in the evolving 3D print and manufacturing supply chain.

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